delivering the future of driver safety

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Nova Mobile Systems Vehicular Video Solution provides managers with “Real-Time” Video Events and Driver Behavior. Combines the strengths of High Definition Video, GPS Location Services and the latest Driver Behavior Technologies to ensure road safety and optimize productivity.

how it works

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event based video capture

High-quality video and telematics data combine to give fleet operators multi-channel video, vehicle location, path travelled, and driver behavior data on a single screen for better incident review and driver coaching. Maximize driver and vehicle performance to increase efficiency and service, optimize productivity, and get the most value possible from your fleet.

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Monitor Location and video surveillance

Our powerful processing architecture enables seamless networking, superior low light performance and real-time location video surveillance so you can know exactly where your vehicles are when an event on the road takes place.

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Monitor driver distraction

The Driver Distraction feature will monitor your drivers and alert them as well as the fleet operator when it notices any form of distracted driving, almost as if you’re there with the driver. Reduce the costs of collisions, claims, insurance, fuel use, vehicle maintenance, and repairs to improve your bottom line.


access your real-time events
from any smart device

With the help of our NovaAssure asset management platform you can simply login, specify the date range and vehicle actions for a specific vehicle that you are looking for and at the push of a button you now have all of the critical data to make any changes to your fleets performance or daily operations to maximize driver safety and reduce distracted driving for the future.

request a demo

Want to try one of our products or services? Click the button below to schedule your demo today!